"Of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith said, 'a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.'" mormon.org
I am happiest when I feel near to God. That is when I feel good about myself and my circumstances. Being near to God leads me to treat others with kindness and respect. The Book of Mormon brings me nearer to God than any other book I know of.
I have many self-help books that claim that I will find happiness by losing weight, increasing self-esteem, learning to think big. They offer good advice, and the authors have helped many people. The book that has made me happiest is the Book of Mormon because it draws me nearer to God. The Book of Mormon is the world's best self-help book!
Joseph Smith said that a person "would get nearer to God by abiding by [the Book of Mormon's] precepts, than by any other book." A precept is "a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought". The Book of Mormon is full of precepts that bring me closer to God. It encourages me to have faith, to pray, and to help other people. Following the precepts in the Book of Mormon brings me closer to God and brings me happiness. It is the best self-help book in my library!
Find out more about God's plan of happiness at mormon.org.
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